April Idea Lab Challenges for Sierra & Polaris: Crisis Management


Large-scale, long-term closures and remote work due to coronavirus have taken us all by surprise and required updates, workflows and access that were not intended at this scale. Suggest product improvements you’d like to see made to better handle this type of situation/closures in the future or to re-open your library. Both Sierra and Polaris users can participate in this challenge in their respective product category.

Idea submissions are open until April 12.  Commenting and voting will continue through April 16.

Pairwise voting will begin April 25. When you enter the Challenge and click on the Pairwise tab, you will be prompted to choose your favorite idea from each of several pairs until you have seen every possible combination. Vote on as few or as many pairs as you like, and spread the word to your colleagues so they can vote, too!

We look forward to and very much appreciate your input!


What is Idea Lab?
Idea Lab is the website hub for our customer-driven innovation process that informs Innovative product roadmaps. To participate, simply go to Idea Lab, and enter in your username and password. If you don’t have an account yet, it’s not too late – simply follow the instructions on the Idea Lab FAQ and join in!

Happy Innovating!